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Fruits and Vegetables


Kai Nutrition & Apothecary was created as a place to heal and nurture our bodies and souls.  The word "Kai" has so many beautiful meanings around the world and in each language the word develops more and more meaning to me and my life and the things that are important to all human beings:

Kai - Hawaiian - Sea, Ocean

Kai - Māori - Food, Meal

Kai - Japanese - Restoration, Recovery

Kai - Swedish - Rejoice

In Greek mythology, Kairon was a wise centaur who was a master of healing but he could not heal himself.  And like this hybrid human and animal, Kairon, we're all challenged not to lose touch with our basic instincts, bodies, or feelings, as we grow in conscious awareness.  Which is also my goal at Kai Nutrition & Apothecary, to look at your ailments from a holistic perspective, taking in the mind, body and spirit.  Working together we will identify trouble areas in your diet and lifestyle and work together using moderate, obtainable, simple changes to get your health and wellbeing back on track and ensure you are living a life of wellness and feeling your soul shine.

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